83 GMC, Kinda rusty, really dirty, Dented pretty good, But your engine runs Well enough, And those new brakes are nice, Like new shoes, for a truck, These new ones hardly ever lock up And send us screeching Sideways down the road. The sound of your speedometer Comforts me on the road, Constant, increasing with speed, Like a heart, Beating faster The more you run. Your acceleration Is not as fast as the Rolls Royce Phantom II, But it gets me past The slow slow semis On 35W in the morning, Reaching speeds Upwards of 85 mph., Much to my surprise; I hadn’t thought You had it in you. Never a disappointment. Maybe you’d do all right On the Autobahn After all. The only problem Would be the one Eric had On that hill in Wisconsin: “How fast are we going?” His friend asked As the car shook so violently That it felt as if might fall apart. “I don’t know,” Eric replied, “The needle stopped at 120!” |